Use of critical incidents analysis as a strategy of teacher professional development

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Department of English Education
This study is on Use of Critical Incident Analysis as a Strategy of Teacher Professional Development. The purpose of this study was to explore the perception and practice of Critical Incident Analysis in ELT classroom. I used non-random purposive sampling procedure to select 30 secondary level English teachers from community and institutional schools in Dhanusha and Mahottari district. I used questionnaire as a tool to collect the data. The collected data have been presented and interpreted qualitatively. The major findings of the research showed that about 83 percent of the selected teachers were aware of CIA and its procedure whereas less than 50 percent of the teachers practiced CIA for their professional development. However, most of the teachers had positive attitude to CIA and they perceived that CIA had significant role in TPD. This thesis has been divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. The second chapter incorporates the review of related theoretical and empirical literature, implication of the review of the study and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with the methods and procedures of this study. Similarly, the fourth chapter encompasses analysis and interpretation of the data. Fifth chapter deals with findings, summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study. And in the final section, references and appendices are included.