An Analysis of Rural Poverty in Kaski with Reference to Bhalam VDC

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Faculty of Economics
Broadly speaking poverty includes the deficiency in the field of food, clothing, health facility, sanitation, land holding, condition of houses, education and so on. In Bhalam V.D.C of Kaski district, Gandaki Zone, Nepal, poverty is mainly concentrated to the weakness in income sources, scarcity of cultivable land, road facility and the concept of the people living there. People are mostly satisfied with what they have acquired from their ancestors. There is negligible progress in the earning in comparision is the condition people were a few decades before. Reduction of poverty has been felt to some extent. This research study has been done with the help of various respondents. Ways of reducing the poverty have been suggested after a detailed study of the condition of some of people who are considered to be below poverty line. This study is expected to be of great use for the people who will be highly interest in finding out the causes of poverty and the reduction of it. Despite the attempts made by the government every year to reduce poverty the actual result has not been acheieved due to improper implementation of the plan and the stagnant attitude of the poor people.