Study of ‘Mother Figure’ from Discoursal Perspective

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Faculty of English Education
The present study entitled “Study of ‘Mother Figure’ from Discoursal Perspective.” The objective was to analyze the utterances of female characters in the drama and to determine the social context of the spoken utterances as in the drama. This study attempts to present a Library research and find out the social and human issues in the drama Mother Figure, by analyzing the utterances of male and female characters, on the theoretical background of discoursal perspective and determined the social context of the spoken utterances. The study was carried out by using primary sources of data only. The major tool for data collection was checklist. The major findings of the research showed that often ‘mothers’ tend to be real mothers in their speech rather than a normal adult. Wife as well as husband are the victims, tragedy comes with life with ignorance. Wife cannot take the phone of her husband. This research study consists of five chapters: introduction, review of related literature, methodology, results and discussions and findings and recommendations. The first chapter introduction contains general background, statements of the problems, rational of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, significant of the study and delimitations of the study. Similarly, second chapter deals with review of the related literature, implication of the reviewed literature and conceptual framework. Chapter three methods and procedures of the study consists of design of the study, sources of data, population of the study, sampling procedures, data collection tools and procedures, process of data collection and data analysis and interpretations. Forth chapter is result and discussion of the data. In this section introduction of analysis and interpretation, identification and analysis of utterances is presented. Finally fifth chapter consists of findings and recommendations of the study. Reference and appendices are presented at the end of this chapter.
Gender, Drama