teachers'knowledge of teachingtechniquesandtheir applications

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Faculty of Education
This thesis entitled " Teachers' knowledge of TeachingTechniquesandTheirApplications" is an attempt to identify teachers' knowledge of teachingtechniquesandtheir applicationsin English classrooms. In naturethisstudy isa survey type of research. The researcher selected 12 different public schools ofKathmandu district. The primary sources of data for the study were thesecondary level English teachers of Kathmandu district. The researcherselected twelve secondary level English teachers of twelve different publicschools using purposive non-random sampling procedure. The observationchecklist and the setof questionnaire were the major tools for data collection.After preparing tools for data collection, the researcherobserved theclassesoftwelve teachers and requested then to fill in the questionnaires. Only sevenclasses of each of the teachers were observed. Majority of the teachersprovided correct responses in the questionnaires but they did not use thedifferenttechniquesinclassroom situation. Thus, it was found that teachershadtheoretical knowledge of techniques but in comparison to their theoreticalknowledgethey did notuseall techniques equally inthe classroom. Thethesisconsists of four chapters. Chapter one basically deals with the studyin terms of general background, review of related literature, objectives andsignificance of the study. Chapter twoincludes the methodology that consistsof sources of data, population of the study, sampling procedure,tools for datacollection, process of datacollectionand limitations of the study. Chapter threedeals with an analysis and interpretation of the collected data. This chaptermainly consists of the teachers'theoretical knowledgefoundoutonthe basis ofresponses provided on questionnaires by teachers and applications oftechniques in classroom. Then chapter four deals with the findings,recommendations and pedagogical implications of the study. The referencesand appendixes are the concluding parts of the study.