Kip's Protest Against Western Imperialism in the Novel The English Patientby Michael Ondaatje

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Department of English
In the long run of human civilization human beings have proved that they are the best creatures in the universe. In this race they not only have distinguished themselvesfrom other animals but also from themselves. To prove their superiority they havetried to control other people. Inasmuch, they have polarized into two groups-colonizer and colonized. Obviously, the former grouphas considered to be dominant always. Inthe beginning, the colonizers had colonized territorially; but later the concept ofcolonization took a form of ideology. Kip is one of the central characters in the novelis intrigued by colonial maneuver whilehe is in Europe. Later, his awareness ofEuropean imperialism pierces him ceaselessly. Nostalgia of his nation and his culturechase him instantly. His ephemeral love for western way of life is replaced by the perennial bond of his Indian atavistic culture which leads him to decide to abandonthe both Europe and European way of life.