Effectiveness of cooperative Language Learningin Teaching Language Functions

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Central Department of English Education
The present study entitled “Effectiveness ofCooperative Language LearninginTeaching Language Functions”is an attempt to find out the effectiveness ofcooperative language learning method in teaching language functions at secondarylevel and aims to suggest some pedagogical implications. Mahendra SecondarySchoolfromKailali districtwas purposively selected for the study. Both primary andsecondary sourceswere used to collect the data.Test items were developed based onOur English Grade IX. Population of the study was the students of Grade IX who wereselected using simple random sampling procedure. The students were divided intoexperimental and controlled groupson the basis of pre-test scores. Both the groupswere taught for 25classes. After experimental teaching, the post-test was administeredby using the same sets of test items.Itis fund thatcooperative language learningmethod was more effective, interactive and fruitful in teaching language functions incomparison to other usual methods since experimental group excelled controlledgroup by6.53percentage in terms of functional category and17.03percentage interms of item category holistically.This thesiswasdivided into four chapters. The first chapter consistedof thebackground of the study, review of the related literature and objectives of the study.Similarly, chapter two includedthe methodologyadopted for the study. It refersto themethodology and procedure followed by the researcher to collect the data fromprimary and secondary sources. It includedthe sources of the data, samplingprocedures, tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitations of thestudy.Likewise, chapter threedealtwith the analysis and interpretation of the data instatistical and description way.Finally,the present research summarizesthe wholestudy by presenting findings andrecommendations.