Verbal Affixation in English and Tamang

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Department of English Education
This present research entitled ‘Verbal Affixation in English and Tamang’ is aneffort to describe, compare and contrast theverbal affixation in English and theTamang languages. In order to carry out this study, the researcher collecteddata from the native speakers of the Tamang language in Panchthar district.Data for the English language were obtained from the reference books. Thetotal sample population of the study consisted of 80 Tamang speakers whowere selected by using stratified random sampling procedure and judgmentalsampling procedure. The main tool the researcher made use of wasquestionnaire, which was filled inby making a face to face interview with theinformants.The major findingof this research isthat Tamang uses the affixessuch as/a-/, /-pa/,-ba/, /-la/, /-mula/, /-pan/, /-ban/, /-pala/, /-bala/, /-ci/, /-zi/, /-cim/, /-zim/, /-bar/, /-u/, /-go/, /-ge/, /-gai/, etc. The thesis consists of four chapters altogether.Chapter oneis an introductorychapter which deals with the background ideas as to the study of the topic. Itsets the necessary theoretical background, justifies the significance of the studyand presents the objectives and limitations of the study.Similarly,chapter twostates the methodology followed in the study. It deals with the sources of data,population and sampling procedure, and process of data collection andlimitation of the study.Chapter threeentails analysis and interpretation ofdata. It deals with the description, comparison of the verbal affixation availablein both English andtheTamang languages. The analysis has been done underdifferent headings using descriptive-comparative structural procedures.Finally,chapter fourdeals with the findings and recommendation made inlight of analysis and interpretation. It presents the areas in which verbalaffixation system differs in the two languages. It also includesrecommendations from the perspective of pedagogical significance.