Role of Teacher Training for Teachers’ professional Development

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Faculty of Education
The title of this research work isRole of Teacher Training for Teachers’ProfessionalDevelopment.Themain purpose ofthisstudywastofind out theviews ofteacherstowardsteachertraining as well as role of training forteacher’s professional development. To accomplish this study,a set ofquestionnaires and observation checklist wereprepared to find out teachersviews towardsroleof teacherstraining andfrom this research, I have foundthatmost oftheteachershave positiveviewstowards teacher training.I foundthat therewas avast differencebetween trained and untrained teachers in theirclassroom performance. Trained teachers were found excellent in all classroomactivities such as classroom management, motivating the student, confidence,presentation ability, evaluation technique,etc. thanthe untrainedones. I have divided this thesis intofour chapters.The first chapter deals with thegeneral background, literature review, objectives and the significance of study.The second chapter contains the methodology which is sub-dividedas thesources of data, sampling procedure,tools for datacollection, process of datacollection and the limitations of the study. The third chapter includes theanalysis and interpretation of the data obtained from the field. Thefourthchapter has the findings of the studyas well assome pedagogical implicationshave beensuggested based onthe findings of this study.