Seasonal Prevalence of Helminth Parasites in Buffaloes of Pokharathok VDC in Arghakhanchi

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Department of Zoology
Bubalus bubalis (buffalo) is one of the important species of domestic livestock in Nepal.This species is greatly affected by the helminthes parasites. The current study was carried out to find out the seasonal prevalence of intestinal helminth parasites in buffaloes. Sedimentation and floatation both technique were used during the detection of helminth parasites. The samples were collected in two seasons i.e. during summer and winter. A total of 250 stool samples were collected and examined during the study period i.e. 120 samples in winter and 130 samples in summer. The overall prevalence of helminth parasites during winter were (45.83%) and that in summer season were (88.46%). A huge difference in the prevalence of helminths parasites in the both seasons were observed. During winter season the buffaloes were found to be infected with trematodes 31.66%, cestodes 10% and 32.5% nematodes. Likewise 67.69%, 11.53% and 56.15% of infections were caused by Trematodes, Cestodes and Nematodes respectively during summer season. The overall prevalence percentage of identified genera of trematodes are as follows; Fasciola 29.41%, Paramphistomum 11.76%, Dicrocoelium 12.94%, Schistosoma38.23%, Gastrothylax 2.35%, Fischoederius 1.17%, Ornithobilharzia 0.58% and Skrjabinema 5.29% respectively.Among cestode, the overall prevalence percentage of identified genera was found to be Moniezia 15.88% .Similarly the genera included in nematodes are Strongyloides 13.52%, Trichostrongylus 5.88%, Toxocara 34.11%, Ascaris 18.23%, Chabertia 1.76%, Trichuris 5.88%, Dictyocaulus 0.58%, Oesophagostomum 1.17%, Capillaria 1.17%, Haemonchus 1.76%, Ostertagia 2.94%, and Cooperia 0.58%. Single infection was found in 40% samples during winter and during summer it was found in 14.78% samples. Mixed infections was observed in 60% and 85.21% in the samples of winter and summer respectively.The difference in the prevalence of helminth parasites during both seasons were found statistically significant. ( χ² = 740.15, P<0.05, d.f. =21).