Representation of Maoists in Nepal Television News, 1st Feb.2005 to 1st Feb.2006

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Central Department of English
This dissertation is about the control and reflection of ruling ideology in state owned and government run television. This research presents the argument that the government ideology reflects in the state owned television. Nepal television (NTV); a state owned television station broadcasts the news favorable to the governments ideology. The research selects texts from Nepal Television news about the Maoists first one year authoritarian regime of King Gyanendra’s direct rule from 1st Feb 2005 to 1st Feb 2006. NTV depends upon government in terms of regulation and funding. The contemporary government declared Maoists as ‘terrorist’ and NTV represented them as terrorist in its news. Representing Maoists as terrorists, NTV reflects the Ideology of the then government. With the support of wide range of theories, concerning ideology, power and discourse the study proves that NTV simply becomes a Ideological State Apparatus of the government.