Use of Mobile Phones among M.Ed Level Students in ELT Classes

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Department of English Education
This thesis entitled Use of Mobile Phones among Advanced Level Students in ELT Classes aims to analyze the use of mobile phones to English language learning in M.Ed. level. Mainly it focuses on whether or not mobile phones are beneficial to M.Ed. level students for English language learning purposes.This research also examined on how the students use mobile phones for enhancing their language learning.The sample for this study comprised thirty five students who were studying in M.Ed. level in different T.U afflicted campuses in Kathmandu.To meet the objectives of the research the informants were selected using non random sampling procedure from M.Ed. fourth semester,TU Kirtipur.A set of questionnaire consisting of both close ended and open ended questions was used as a data collection tool.A survey was administered to the respondents whereby result indicated that the adoption of mobile for learning English language was perceived well.Moreover respondents also were quite skeptical about future of mobile learning should be implemented for their learning purposes. The research concludes with emerging concerns of mobile use, specifically on whether or not mobile phone can be effective to adopt as teaching learning tool in ELT classes. The present study consists of five main chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the study along with the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational key terms. The second chapter contains the review of related literature, implications of the review for the study, and conceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter includes methods and procedures of the study. It includes design and method of the study,population, sample and sample strategies,and research tools, sources of data,data collection procedures and ethical considerations. Likewise the fourth chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data. Finally, chapter five comprises the findings, conclusions and recommendation in policy related and further researches. At the end, the references and appendices are included.