Contribution of Dairy Farming on Livelihood : A Case Study of Madhyabindu Municipality, Nawalpur

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Department of Rural Development
The dairy farming plays a pivotal role in socioeconomic development, livelihood acceleration, women's empowerment, and employment generation. In this background, this study tried to analyze contribution of Dairy farming on livelihood of the farmers associated in Pach Pandab Milk Producer Cooperative, Madhyabindu Municipality-4 Nawalpur district. The objective of this study were to examine socio-economic situation of the farmers involving in dairy framing, to analyze the contribution of cooperative dairy farming on livelihood and to find out the supporting sectors to dairy farming under cooperative production system in the study area. This study used case study research design in which quantitative data were collected through 50 role model farmers and qualitative information were generated from five participants. In doing so, the study used household survey, observation and KII as techniques for data collection and generation. The study found that most of the farmers are benefitted from dairy farming and it has been improving the livelihood of the farmers. Dairy farming is also becoming contcatalysts for women's empowerment by offering a platform for their economic and social advancement. Cooperative dairy farming brought transformation in the socioeconomic life of the farmers including local people getting employment opportunities in the cooperative and cooperative dairy farming in the study area. Dairy farming is an important sector to up life livelihood in the study areas. Dairy farming has helped to reduce the problem of food deficiency and problems of malnutrition in the study area. Finally, all these transformation are becoming possible due to the dairy farming management (Feed, Shed, breed and disease) practices of the Pandab Milk Producer Cooperative as well as supporting sectors (transportation, dairy farming development and support policy, marketing milk pricing) and extension services (capacity/skill development trainings and incentives. to the farmers) offering by the local government. However, it is necessary to increase the price of dairy product with changing price of dairy inputs including sufficient subsidies for more benefits of dairy farmers in the study area and throughout the country.