Ambivalent Representation of the Subalterns in Sama'sChisho Chulho

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Central Departmental of English
The present thesis attempts to make a critical study of Balkrishna Sama'sfamousepic Chisho Chulhowith the perspective of subalternity.This study attempts to show how the representation of the subaltern is ambivalent in thisepic. It unravels the fact that Sama'sChisho Chulhorevolves around the experiences of the subalterns living in the Nepali society. Sama has depicted the real picture of contemporary Nepal where the sublatern's voice had remained unheard. Here, Sama has shown very beautifully how the voice of the subaltern people like the protagonists of the epic Shanteand Gauri had been suppressed and compelled them to die or to commit suicide. He has also shown how the Nepali women and lower caste people have been suffered within the structures of domination and subordination of the state, society and even by the so called upper caste people. Subalterns love each other but they can not express their love because of the fear the society may question their existence. Thus, the epicChisho Chulho examines the voice of the subaltern characters but their voices are under theshadow of the politics of ambivalent representation.