Identity Thrust in Mildred D.Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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Department of English
The present thesis entitled “Identity Thrust in Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” shows the racial injusticesand its resistance in1930s post-slavery American society. It challenges American hypocrisy. On the one hand legally blacks are free but on the other hand suppression and domination loom everywhere over blacks. The blacks are captivated by socio-economic chains of whites. Thewhites never treat them as human beings. Domination is in market system, service sector, education system and etc. The blacks are forced to live according to the desire of whites. Some well educated andaware black people are there in 1930s American society such as Logan family. Theyhave their own land their through which they reject the white monopoly and supremacy. In the novel,Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, almost all major black characters revolt,protest, reject and resist against white domination and suppression.Logan children dig a ditch to trap white school bus. Similarly, Logan family boycott the Wallace store and Cassie beats white girl Lillian Jean.