Socio-Economic Impact of Khimti 1 Hydropower Project: A case Study of sahare Vdc of Dolakha

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Department of Rural Development
In general, this study entitled “Socio-economic Impact of Khimti I Hydropower Project:A Case Study of Sahare VDC of Dolakha District” tries to appraise the overall efforts made by Khimiti I project for the neighborhood development of its catchments area.Khimti I Hydropower Project is the first largest project, with installed capacity of 60MW,launched by private sector in Nepal. The plant is located in Sahare VDC ward no. 4 of Dolakha district. Besides hydroelectricity generation, it has been directly involved in the community development activities in the catchments area by launching various programs.The study is entirely guided by the main question whether the efforts of Khimti IHydropower Project have been instrumental to bring the desired changes in the social and economic aspects of the people living in the study area or not. A descriptive cumex ploratory research design has been coined for the study. Both the primary and secondary data collected through various tools and techniques have been used to reachthe conclusion. The data have been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively as per there quirement. The project has been found to have had a very good impression in the study area. The impact on education, health, sanitation, drinking water, irrigation and employment has been found distinctive whereas efforts of Khimti I project in incom egeneration and self-employment promotion activities are found to be less visible than itought to have. The infrastructural development in the study area is solely the contribution of the project. The overall Income, Expenditure and Saving trend of the people have been noticeably increased. Because of the increased income level, the food intake of the families has gone up which obviously guarantees the optimum calorie supply. Anoteworthy impact on Children and Youth of the study area has been observed. The project’s sister organizations (School, Clinic and Club) have influenced the Children and Youth in their academic, health and social aspects. With the commencement of the project, some new practices in the local culture have been added and something from the indigenous culture have got substituted. On the basis of these all positive and praiseworthy impacts of the project, Khimti I Hydropower Project can be taken as the oasis of development. It has contributed a lot in the development of the catchments area and the nation as well. However, there always remain some rooms for the improvements,the project has to think and rethink to ensure the people’s ownership which will help the project overcome the frequent strikes, political in terferences and threats seen in its premises. More focus on income generation and self-employment promotion activities in its program will flourish the project’s image in the eyes of the poor, vulnerable,deprived and socially excluded people. There is extreme need for paradigm shift in the project’s development practices. The shift of the development approach from Need-based to Right-based will ensure the project a safer and respectful place in local peoples’ heart and mind.