Rituals, Gender and Modernity : Mundum Based Performance Culture of Kirant Women

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Central Department of English Tribhuvan University
The Kirants, the ethnic group from Eastern part of Nepal have their major religious text is Mundum that constitutes the free and fair positions for the women as well. Guided by the problem of universal feminism, the research work assumes that not all of the communities of the world have dominated women. Kirant community could be an exception to state that this community has very less degree of discrimination to women. This research work focuses on some particular religious ritual performances and their reflections on sociology cultural and day to day life style of Kiranti Female taking Jaari, a movie, as the primary source of analysis and the Corundum itself. Ancient Kiranti women to today’s modern Kiranti women are devoted and happy with own culture and religious rituals, because Kirantreligion and culture are more flexible than other religious culture and rituals. The study has, by and large, acknowledged that the core theme of Mundumis the matriarchal society. Women's involvement in every ritual performance in fairs and festivals also raises the issue of gender equality among Mundum believers to that end, they enjoy freedom, own identity, individuality because it is given by the Kirant Mundumitself.Kiranti Women have by and large fared better when it comes to gender equality. It is the main binding factor to Kiranti women in one place. They have full faith and respect towards Kirant community and want to pass down such religious rituals to the daughters. This research work argues that the gender status in Kiranti community is good as the women are offered the equal status. Thus, the research work yields the idea that Mundumallows larger degree of freedom to femininity in comparison to other religions and communities. (Key Words: Mundum, Riutal, Kirant, Performance, Women, Culture, Jaari Movie)
discrimination, universal feminism, matriarchal society