Role of Motivation and Challenges in Language Learning for Preservice English Teachers

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Department of English
Thepresent research work entitledRole of motivationand ChallengesinLanguage Learning for Preservice English Teachers: A Narrative Inquiry, aimed to explore the role of motivation throughout academic journey ofpreservice English teachers in relation to Englishlanguage learning up to masterlevel. Both primary and secondary sources of data were utilized in the study.This research followed narrative inquiry as research design. The data wascollected from three preservice English teachers from University Campus;T.U.,Kirtipur, Kathmandu. The participants (Preservice English teachers) wereselected purposively with judgmental sampling procedure. The data collectedfrom in-depth interview and written narratives were analyzed and interpretedthematically and descriptively. It was found that preservice teachers weremotivated to learn English for various reasons such as to earn money, to sustainprestigious life in the society, to be professional teachers and to enjoy Englishliterature. Likewise, they faced various challenges like; lack of exposure,unqualified teachers, economic crisis, no English-friendly environment,hesitation, frustrations while studying English subject. Moreover, the study hasclearly mentioned the motivating factors for English language learning, on thebasis of the lived experiences of the participants. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the backgroundof the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, researchquestions, significance of the study,delimitations of the study and operationaldefinition of the key terms. The second chapter includes review of relatedtheoretical literature; review of related empirical literature; Implications of thereview of the study and conceptual framework. Likewise, the third chapterincludes all the areas of research methodology. In the same way, the fourthchapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the results and the ultimately,the fifth chapter includes findings, conclusions and recommendations at threedifferent areas (policy related, practice related and further research related)followed by references and appendices.