Social Inclusion of Women and their Empowerment (A case study of Runtigadhi Rural Municipality of Rolpa District, Nepal)

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Department of Rural Development
The Social Inclusion is the best key pathway for women's empowerment because social inclusion is as participation; increase opportunities for people especially, the most disadvantaged to engage in all aspect of community activities such as; social, cultural, economic and political spheres. The great participation of women enhances their status, that strength their self-confidence, which ultimately leads towards their empowerment. The general objective of this study was to examine the social exclusion and inclusion of women in terms of social and political participation, and decision-making power of women in Runtigadhi Rural Municilpality of Rolpa District. Eighteen sampled households were taken randomly as sample size and the respondents were married women. This study is based on the primary sources of information. Information was collected through both qualitative and quantitative tools. As quantities tool, the questionnaire was used and check list (Focus Group Discussion) was used as a qualitative tool. In the study area, women’s participation in all sectors was seen very negligible. They were excluded from their household decision making, political participation as well as community level decision making process. The proportion of higher level educational attainment women was very low. That is why majority of them had engaged in only household chores. Very few women had participated in income generating activities and the income level of working women was below 10,000 per month. There was very low number of women was included in decision making process in household. Most of time, they were dominated by their husband. Majority of them compelled to follow their husband’s decisions. In the study area, it was found that literate women were more conscious than illiterate women. Among them it was seen that literate women’s participation was higher than illiterate women. They were more aware about their rights and they also included in decision making process than illiterate women. So it can be concluded that education is the most important factor to increase women’s participation, to uplift their socio-economic status and to aware political rights and other rights. Participation of women in all sectors helps to enhance their self-confidence and decision making power which ultimately leads towards their empowerment.