Appeal for Biotic Community in Daniel Quinn's Ishmael

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Department of English
An attempt has been made to analyze Daniel Quinn'sIshmaelthrough the perspective of ecocriticism in which he ignores anthropocentric outlook of the world and appeals humankind for biotic community. Representing an animal, Quinn speaks on behalf of preserving andconserving environment, nature and ecosystem of the earth. Moreover, he seeks for unity among community of different natural entities. This paper emphasizes on how humans tend to exploit and deteriorate environment and nature exposing their superiority. But human superiority is going to be more tragic for human themselves to see their own dooming existence.The theoretical concept of Aldo Leopold's "The Land Ethic" and Paul W. Taylor's "Respect for Nature" are drawn in this paper. Key Words: Biotic community, Ecosystem, Nature, Human superiority, Ecocriticism, Anthropocentrism.