Utilization of maternal and child health care services in Magar community of Dodhara VDC

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Department of Health Education
This study entitled “Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Care Services in MagarCommunityof DodharaVDC”hasbeen carried outwith the objectives; to find out the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the study population, to identify the antenatal,natal and postnatal care practices in the mother groups and to assess the prevalence of diseaseaffecting the child and mother. This studywasdescriptiveandquantitative innature. It wasbased on obtaining information about the existing situation of maternal and child health carepractices inMagar community of Dodhara VDC,Kanchanpur. In this research, researcherfocused on finding the maternal and child health care practices with maternal and infant deathabout childbearing mother with the consideration of their variousbackground variables. Theresearchwasbased on primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from the200mothers having children less than 5 years. Married women aged between 15-49 years having atleast one child less than 5 years were the population of the study. Amongall the respondents 6.66 percent were found with only first antenatal check up.It wasfound that 13.13 percent were foundvisiting health post two times during their pregnancy and20 percent were found with the experience of ANC check up three times and remaining allother respondents had the experience of the more than three times ANC check up practices.Data showedthat large number of the respondent mother were found with taking the Iron tabletduring their pregnancy periodand remaining other 15 percent mother had not the experience ofthe taking iron tablet. Among all the respondents most of them (94.73%) said they had givenimmunization to their baby and remaining 5.27 respondents were found not having anyimmunization to their child. In the present time the entire child should be immunized but inthe community few percent of the child are still out of vaccination that wasnot good situation.They hadprotection against infantile diarrhea, respiratory infection and otherkinds of pediatricdisease. Breast–feeding provideda natural form of birth control. The situation of using familyplanning deviceswas found good in this study. Data showed that 57.90% of the respondentswere found going to doctor or health worker in order to treat their children in the hope of beingcured. v