Near-to-Death Experience in Malala Yousafzai’s I Am Malala and Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl

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Department of English
This research work explores near-to-death experience in Malala Yousafzai’s I Am Malala and Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl. Malala and Anne, both victims of war, represent victims' voice in the texts. Both the characters have undergone physical and psychological experience at the time of war and it is uneven experience for them. It causes torture and torment in their lives. Due to the war, they suffer from physical and mental stress besides angiushed psyche. Their traumatic experiences led them on the verge of life and death. Their early teenagehood was detached from close friends and neighbours that created psychological tensions in them. Malala gets brutal physical force of threaten, which becomes intolerable for her to bear and lead normal life with the rage of such violence. On the other hand, Anne Frank is imprisoned in a dark room very badly without minimum requirements of prisioners. Her expression and desires were supressed by creating fear, ordeal and agony. The effect of war kept her away from the societal norms and values, reshaped her mindset and thought, but disoriented from her life. Anne Frank and Malala face extremely dangerous and terrible circumstance, which led them both to feel about near-to-death experience. They remained hopeless for the momentum until they struggle to put down their awe and apprehension into writing. These painstakingly extreme positions turn the characters into dismay for their socialization process in the society, they are living in since both of them undergo in isolation and alienation.