Place and Time Deixis in English and Dongoria Dialect of Tharu

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Central Department of Education English
The present thesis work entitled“Place and Time Deixis inEnglish and DongoriaDialect of Tharu”has been conducted in order to find out place and time deicticexpressions in Dongoria dialect of Tharu and to compare the deictic expressions inEnglish and Dongoria dialect of Tharu deictic. I used both primary andsecondarysources of data in order to conduct the research. The sample population for primarydata was 120 native speakers of the Tharu who were selected by using judgmental orpurposive non-random sampling procedure. An interview schedule and questionnairewere used as research tools in order to elicit the data. Secondary sources of myresearch were different books, websites, magazines and related theses. The data wereanalyzed, interpreted and presented descriptively by using tables and illustrations.The major findings of this research is that English is richer than Dongoria dialect ofTharu regarding the both place and time deictic expressions. It was also found thatpure English time deictic expressions can be changed into impure and impure can bechanged into pure deictic expressions in Dongoria dialect of Tharu. This thesis consists of four chapters. First chapter deals with the introduction of thestudy, general background, review of the related literature, objectives and significance ofthe study.Second chapter deals with the methodology that consists of sources of data,sampling process, research tools, process of data collection and the limitations of thestudy. Third chapter is the body of the thesis. It consists of analysis, interpretation andpresentation of the collected data along with comparison of place and time deixis inEnglish and Dongoria dialect of Tharu. The fourth chapter deals with the major findingsof the study on the basis of analysis and interpretation of the data obtained and it alsodeals with some recommendations made on the basis of findings of the study. Finally,chapter four is followed by references and the appendices.