Expressions for Seeking Information and Confirmation in English and Nepali

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Department of English Education
This study is to identify and compare the exponents of seeking informationand confirmation used by the native English and Nepali speakers. Theresearcher, for the study, took the data from the sample population. Therewere altogether 80 informants in the sample population out of which 40 wereNepali and other 40 were English native speakers. The study was entirelybased on the responses from the sample population (i.e. primary data) withthe help of the questionnaire distributed to them. Then the exponents given bythem were listed for the analysis and interpretation on the basis of which theresearcher came up with the conclusion that while seeking information andconfirmation. Nepali speakers used more honorific forms than Englishspeakers in general. To be specific, Nepali speakers used more non-honorificforms than English speakers for seeking information from their friends andpolicemen (by their officers). Similarly, Nepali speakers used non-honorificforms more than English speakers for seeking confirmation from their officeclerks, friends and sons. With other relationship, English speakers were foundto be using more non-honorific forms than Nepali speakers. The study is divided into four chapters.Chapter one, the introductorychapter, includes general background, review of the related literatureobjective of the study, and significance of the study.Chapter twodeals withthe methodology applied tocarry out the research under which sources ofdata, sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collectionand limitations of the study were presented.Chapter threepresents analysisand interpretation of the data. In this section bothstatistical as well asdescriptive approach were used.Chapter fourincorporates findings andrecommendations of the research. The concluding part of the thesis isoccupied by the references and appendices.