Assertion of FemaleSelf in Paulo Coelho's Brida

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Department of English
This research entitled "AssertionofFemaleSelf in Paulo Coelho'sBrida"discusses on female struggle for social role. The novel projects a representative character, Brida, who revolts against all existing patriarchal norms and values. Being a woman from a strict patriarchal society, she has to face gender and cultural restriction as well as discrimination. However, she does not surrendertosuch values which limit her. Unlike traditional women, she comes in front to define her role and position in society. While exploring self, she has to facewithmany difficulties and problems, but she decides to comfortchallenges rather than to accept discriminativediscourse.Her desires are self centered and she centers on her choices instead of society and patriarchal values. Brida invokes herself to find the truth and knowledge and her journey to find independenceand freedom. As radical feminists believe upon the concept of identity and freedom, Brida never compromises to opposing forces to create own space in society. Key words: patriarchal, discrimination, restriction, position, challenges,rebellious