Fascination with Western Culture in Taslima Nasrin's The French Lover

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Department of English
Creating a vast gap between western and non western culture, Taslima Nasrin shows her heroine's attraction with western culture and bitter experience within her own cultural root through the book The French Lover Her heroine is shown as rebel who wants to fight against the Indian socio- cultural construction. Nila, the heroine shows her blind attraction to the French culture and desires to be merged into the same culture Nila, therefore dismantles her cultural boundaries by leaving her husband Kishanlal in foreign land. She finds lots of obstacles in her root culture which directly hampers for women's progress. Nila embraces the foreign culture so that she can live her life at her will. In terms of imitating new culture, Nila faces with many difficulties for example, Benoir Dupont, her French Lover deceives her badly Danellie, her lesbian friend shows her disinterest when Nila is in great danger. Even in such a situation Nila doesn't cry for her root, She rather vows not to return to India from France. Nila's dissatisfaction with her origin shows that her own root culture is more discomfortable as well difficult than western culture, where she finds the space for opportunity. Hence, the research focuses on dissimilarities between French culture and Indian culture dealing with the reasons of heroin's attraction with French society.