Techniques Used to Teach English Vocabulary to the Deaf Students

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Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University Kirtipur
The present thesis entitled ‘Techniques Used to Teach English Vocabulary to the Deaf Students’ is an attempt to find out the techniques used by the ELT teachers to teach English vocabulary to the deaf students. To complete this task and achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data. The researcher prepared the pre-structured questionnaire, an observation form and diary to note down the important information. The primary source of this research was the students of grade one to grade nine and all the ELT teachers of Central Higher Secondary School for the Deaf, Naxal, Kathmandu. The researcher selected the school, teachers and students purposively. The researcher observed the ELT class from grade one to grade ten for one day in order to find out the techniques used to teach English vocabulary and the aspects of vocabulary that the teachers teach with great importance. In a similar vein, the researcher also had conversation with the concerned teachers to find out other related facts about teaching to such special students. This study found out that translation, explanation, synonyms, mime, action and gesture are the main techniques used at all levels in the school of deaf while teaching English vocabulary. Beside these, according to the ELT teachers in the same school bilingual and demonstration are the other useful techniques which are used frequently. Similarly, the research also found out the fact that, while teaching vocabulary, teachers do not focus on all aspects instead, they give important to word spelling and word meaning. Very little attention was paid on word grammar, but word pronunciation, word formation and word use are totally neglected. This research study has been organized in five chapters. The first chapter deals with the general background, statement of the problems, objectives, research questions, significance of the study and delimitations of the study. The second chapter comprises the review of theoretical literature, empirical literature, implication of review of literature and conceptual framework. Similarly, research methodology, study design, data analysis and interpretation xi procedures etc. are discussed in the third chapter. The forth chapter includes analysis of data and interpretation of the results and summary of the findings. In the last chapter, conclusion and recommendation for different groups are presented. The concluding chapter is followed by the references and appendices that list the sources and tools used in doing the thesis.