Estimation of Population and Perception of Locals on Mongoose in Baguwa Vdc, Gorkha District, Nepal

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Central Department of Zoology Institute of Science and Technology Tribhuvan University Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Abstract The study entitled estimation of population and perception of locals on mongoose in Baguwa VDC, Gorkha, Nepal was conducted in between January 2014 to Dec 2014 in mid western part of Nepal. Objectives of the study are to find out the estimated population, and explore the perception of locals on mongoose in and around the study site. Line transect, questionnaire, direct observation and quadrate sampling methods were used. All together there were 151 observations of mongooses counted. Among the three different habitats of mongoose named as natural forest, cultivated land and human settlement based on preliminary field survey, mongoose was found not selecting all habitats equally and also was not distributed equally (λ2 = 122.5; d.f.= 2). Perception of local people on mongoose conservation and their educational level were significantly associated (Pearson chi-square=36.36, df =3, p <0.001). More people with high education supported the conservation of mongoose including other wildlife. Similarly, perception and gender showed a significant association (Pearson Chi-square = 11.77, df = 1, p <0.001). More male population was obtained to be interested to conserve mongoose. Mongoose did not harmful to the farmers, it was beneficial therefore conservation awareness programs should be conducted in those areas where mongoose occurred.