Park and People Conflict:A Case Study from Dibyapuri Buffer Zone of Chitwan National Park

Karki, Amit
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Department of Sociology
The study of park people conflict was conducted focusing in Dibyapuri VDC of Nawalparasidistrict, located adjacent to the north -western side of park. The survey was done in 88households by questionnaire method to assess crop and livestock depredation by wildlife for theyear 2010. The main crop raiding animals are Rhino, Wild Boar and Deer. These animals causeof losses 45211.08 kg of agricultural crops in the 88 households of study area. Paddy was themost affected crop by wild animals causing 30865.13 Kg of total crop loss followed by potatoand vegetables 4735 kg , maize 4994.54 kg, lentil 2413.16 kg, mustard 1282.79 kg, wheat735.29kg and linseed 185.17kg . Monetarily, the total loss of 88 surveyed households of the year2010 was Rs. 996933.64. Among this, the loss of paddy was worth Rs. 617302.60 followed bypotato and vegetables Rs. 94700, lentils Rs. 108592.20, maize Rs. 89901.72, mustard Rs.61573.92, wheat Rs. 18382.25 and linseed Rs. 6480.95.Thus the estimated loss was Rs. 11328.64per household on an average. The total economic loss of livestock was estimated Rs. 192100 in BZ of Dibyapuri VDC andaverage loss was Rs. 2182.95 per household. Themain livestock raiding animals were Tiger,Leopard, Jackel, Wild cat etc. Rhinoceros and Tiger have killed two person and several peoplehave injured so far. Park animals, visit cropland due to inadequate amount of food in the protected area, taste ofagricultural crops, lack of effective physical barrier, introduction to exotic species and successioninside the park. Although, affected people do not get compensation or not enough according totheir loss. Park is affected by the visit of people, allowing livestock to graze, herb and thatchgrass collection, timber and firewood collection, fishing and fish poisoning. Park authorities arealso not running enough programs to divert the people occupation along with the awarenessprograms. These are the main causes of conflict. Machan guarding, chasing with fire, shouting, drumming and fencing are preventive methodsused by local people and those are partially effective. Keywords: Park, People, Wildlife, Casualties, Conflict, Damages, Depredation
Park, People, Wildlife, Casualties