Males Involvement in Some Aspect of Reproductive health in Tharu Community (A Case Study of Daulatpur V.D.C Bardiya District)

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Department of population studies
ABSTRACTThis study is on the primary data obtained from field survey. Whole information is based on 111 respondents selected from Tharu community for interview. Onlymarriedmales aged 15–40 were selected for interview.This is descriptive type of study designed to explore the information on maleinvolvement in reproductive health in Tharu communities. Major three components ofReproductive Health(i) Family planning, (ii) Maternal health and (iii) STIS andHIV/AIDS were included in the study.Highest percent of the respondents were in age group 25-29 i.e. 26 percent of the totalsample (respondents). All of the respondents were currently married with singlespouse. Majority of the respondents were illiterate. Agriculture was the majoroccupation of the respondents.Although the majority of respondents have heard about family planning methods.Male methods were the popular methods of the all family planning methods. In manycase of family planning such as use of contraceptive, decision making process for useof contraceptive, males were found co-operative.Male involvement in maternal health was comparatively poor in Tharu community.The practice of ANC and PNC service was relatively poor. Small but remarkableproportions of Tharu women’s ages at the first birth is earliest and mean CEB wasfound higher. Interestingly, the popularity of nuclear family has made someimprovements over the past conditions of Tharu women.Majorityof the respondents reported to have heard about STIS and HIV/AIDS. Thepopular media of information was radio. Most of the respondents agreed that STISand HIV/AIDS are transmitted from unsafe sexual intercourse. Majority ofrespondents would seekmedicaltreatment in case of STIS. They would also inform topartner and support partner for treatment.