Translation Used in Sign Boards

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Department of English Language Education
This study entitling "Translation used in Sign Boards " intends to find out the strategies and linguistic gaps used in translated advertisements and notices from Nepali to English language. In order to collect the data, the researcher travelled to different parts of Kathmandu valley and recorded information of translated advertisements from signboards kept in different places. She also visited to different offices, business firms, educational institutions, hospitals etc to record translated notices from Nepali to English language. she collected two hundred and seventy advertisements and thirty notices from different sectors. She further classified the whole data under ten sectors, viz. Press and Stationery, bank. Finance and Cooperative Society, Educational Institutions, Government and Non government Offices, Hotel-Travel and Tourism. Law Firms and Offices, Clinics Hospitals and Optical Center, Tailors and Beauty Parlours, Business Firms and Factories, and Public Services. This study found that only four translation strategies, viz. transliteration, literal, paraphrasing and free translation are used in translated advertisements and notices from Nepali to English language. Among the four, transliteration is the most frequently used in translated advertisements and notices. This study further found that only four linguistic gaps, viz. phonological, graphological, lexical and structural are used in translated advertisements and notices from Nepali to English language. The first chapter comprises general background, strategies and linguistic gaps in translated advertisements and notices from Nepali to English, review of the related literature, objectives of the study, and significance of the study. viii The chapter two consists of the methodology of the study. It encompasses the source of data, sampling procedure, process of data collection and limitation of the study. The third chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. It consists of mainly two parts: translation strategies and linguistic gaps.These two parts are studied under ten sectors as mentioned above. The final chapter deals with the findings and recommendations. Findings are derived from the analysis and interpretation of the data carried out in chapter three and recommendations are made on the basis of findings.