Inclusion of Dalits in Community Forest (A Sociological Study of Aahale Mashwara Community Forest, Putalibazar11, Syangja)

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Central Department of Sociology
Nepal's rural setting is a complex structure of social system consisting of hierarchical social structure that includes different economic and social classes, oppressive caste system and gender discrimination, which is developed from feudal, bureaucratic and caste and gender biased interests. The difference between rich and poor people, upper and lower caste, men and women create situation for social conflicts and discrimination to have access and control over the resources. The main objective of this study is to describe the socio-economic condition of users in the area, find the status of inclusion of poor, women and Dalits in participation of decision-making forums, membership in CF and access to information and opportunities, explore the condition of inclusion of poor, women and Dalits in benefit sharing and fund mobilization mechanism among CFUG members, and assess the existing situation of inclusion of poor, women and Dalits in decision making. Despite a variety of government interventions, the ethnic minorities continue to be marginalized. There is hardly any awareness, understanding and planning activities by the government and extension and research agencies in terms of social and gender discrimination (Baral, 1993: Pp 34-35).