Socio-Economic Impact of Dairy Farming on Small Farmers ( A Case Study of Gitanagar VDC of Chitwan District)

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Faculty of Rural Development
The present study has focused on ‘Problem and prospect of tourism 'A case study of Bachauli VDC in Chitwan District. This study was conducted from July 2012 to Dec, 2012. The study was mainly limited on household’s survey of Bachauli V.D.C., ward No. 2. Out of 520 households 60 HHs was selected with quota sampling and random sampling method by lottery method. The survey was mainly conducted on local-people, visitors, Tharu culture, key informant interview and focus group discussion as well as on religious sites. The study was mainly based on qualitative and quantitative research approach. Tourism has a great prospect in Chitwan valley. Geographically Chitwan is situated in Central part of Nepal. Nepal has an unequaled ecological and natural environment variation ranging from the Terai plains to Mountain and High Himalayas representing richness in biological and cultural diversity. It has been found that the area has huge potentials of tourism development as in other destinations of the country. Biodiversity, endangered fauna like crocodile and python etc. and their habitat, natural scenario, fishing, cultural and religious tourism etc have been found great potentialities of attracting various nature tourism. This study has three major objectives, I) To analyze the socio-economic situation of the study area. II) To Identify the prospect of Tourism in Sauraha. III To Identify the problems of tourism in Sauraha. To reduce the overall poverty take through creation of income and employment generating activities in the key sectors we look at the existing tourism development approach in Sauraha, we find that the wildlife tourism is the single most but other complementary projects such as hiking, bird watching, solitude wondering around the pond and lakes, fortuities and culture, community display, agro-tourism type, sport tourism type an religious type tourism. In view of the promotion of tourism, the study examines the potentiality and essentiality of tourism in Sauraha. Sauraha is really natural, cultural, religious for all Nepalese. It is also near from major cities of Nepal as well as accessibility. From results of the study shows there is a great potentiality for tourism in Sauraha In spite of it's strengths, like transportation facilities, rich biodiversity, cultural diversity and religious values etc. for tourism development, tourism in the area has not been found properly developed due to weakness like lack of awareness, negligence of government, economic deficiency, lack of publicity and promotion etc. 29.11% of local respondents focused economic deficiency as main weakness for l tourism development, in the study area. Economic gain, utilization of local resources, improvement on livelihood, publicity of the area, conservation of culture etc have been found to be opportunity of tourism development of the area, along with threats a acculturation threats on biodiversity, change in religion, prostitution and other negative impacts in the area. By proper management of attractions and strength, threats of tourism could be minimized by maximizing the opportunities. Rural tourism could be the clean force to change the livelihood of rural people and an integrated development of the area as well.