Issues in teaching writing at basic level

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Department of English Education
This research study entitled Issues in Teaching Writing at Basic Level is an attempt to explore the issues while teaching writing at basic level, I selected 30 English language teachers as the sample selected by using simple random procedure and a set of questionnaire consisting of 20 closed ended questions as data collecting tools. The study found that the teaching writing is problematic to the teachers because of the factors like poor participation of student's poor of physical facilities, lack of training, poor of grammatical knowledge, poor of vocabulary power, poor of adequate supervision etc. Similarly, students were unfamiliar with grammar and punctuation mark. Most of the teachers have issues in teaching writing and writing themes from text book due to unfamiliarity with the course content. Due to insufficient of time, most of the teachers do not prepare any materials for teaching Writing. Developing knowledge of grammar and punctuation marks is very complicated task in teaching writing process. The challenges and issues in understanding the instructional Objectives given in syllabus are because of due to use of mother tongue. Individual work, instead of peer work, due to lack of training for the teachers and lack of exposure for the teachers. Teachers suggested that teachers should be use pictures, audio and video, and they should be also provide exposure of reading materials, sharing the ideas, regular assignment, provided feedback and writing works in group and pair. It is recommended that teachers should provide exposure related to real life context. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter includes background of the study, statement of the problem, rational of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, operational definitions of the key terms. Similarly, the second chapter is related to the review of theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implications of the review and conceptual framework. Likewise, third chapter deals with methods and procedures of the study under which design of the study, population and sample, sampling procedures, data collection tools, data collection procedures, analysis and interpretation procedure, ethical considerations are mentioned. In the same way, the forth chapter consists of results and discussion of the study. Finally, the fifth chapter presents conclusions and implecations based on this research. References and appendices are included at end of this thesis.