Hybridity in Prajwal Parajuly’sThe Gurkha’sDaughter

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Department of English
In the short stories,The Gurkha’s Daughter(2012), Prajwal Parajulyreveals characters survival through cultural practices between Nepali and English convention as hybridity in a host country.Thecharacters of these stories immigrate to the host country with some purpose where they develop hybrid cultural space. Theyfacedifficulty in coping with the host culture and the country because of which they negotiate and adapt new language, behavior, religion, lifestyleandrelationship etc. In order to show the presence of hybrid cultural space, this study points outdifferent hybrid elements from thesestories.The critic Homi K. Bhabha has developed the term hybriditywhichrefersto new and unidentifiable cultural identity that has negotiation of meaning and representation. Hybriditycame outof adaptation and negotiation by immigrants in a host country fortheiracceptanceinthe host community fortheirsurvival. Keywords: Community,culture,immigrants,hybridity,negotiation,adaptation,survival,host country