Perceptions of Teachers Towards Syllabus Designing at Primary Level

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Central department of English Education
This present study entitled "Perceptions of Teachers Towards Syllabus Designing at Primary Level" is an attempt to find out the teachers' perception toward syllabus designing at primary level. To achieve the objectives, a set of questionnaire including 24 questions was prepared and fifty teachers were selected from different schools of Udayapur District to fill in the questionnaire. From the analysis and interpretation of the data, it was found that 50 percent primary teachers were not familiar with the term curriculum, syllabus and course of study. Majority of the teachers were unknown with syllabus designing and they were not involved in syllabus designing. Likewise, forty eight percent primary teachers taught without using syllabus. The present study consists of four chapters. Chapter one consists of general background, review of related literature, objectives of the study and rational of the study. The second chapter consists of sources of data, sample and sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitation of the study. Likewise, the third chapter consists of analysis, interpretation and presentation of the data which is the main part of the thesis. The fourth chapter summarizes the whole study by presenting the findings and recommendations for the pedagogical implication.