Utilization of Local Development Grant in Village Development Committee

dc.contributor.authorGhimire, Pramod
dc.description.abstractThis research is based on utilization of the local development Grant in village development committee in Malta VDC in Lalitpur District . The distribution of the budget in the local communities is very important for the development .The Base of development of the nation is local communities. Without development of local level development, we can not imagine any kind of developments. Local or community development is the fundamental thing of national development . Budget allocation is the most sensitive part of the development of the area. At first, central government gives budget to the District Development Committee, DDC, distributes budget to every VDC of district. In the present context, VDC secretary receives the budget because at this point of time local bodies are not effectively active. Secretary calls our village council meeting at the presence of political leader from the neighboring VDC also use to come to participate in village Council meeting .Teachers, technicians etc also take part in the meeting. The major objectives of this study were to find examine the major functions, sources and utilization system, accessibilities of budget allocated for Malta VCD.The study analyzed the planning and to implement the budget of Malta VDC. The main objectives of this study are to examine the accessibilities of the budget allocated for the Malta V.D.C, the utilization system of local development grant available in Malta V.D.C., to identify the major functions, Sources and utilization of the budget and to analyze the planning and distribution to implement the budget for the Malta V.D.C. Similarly to fulfill these objectives this study is based on primary secondary data. It is based on primary data and information which is collected by researcher himself with the help of different data collection tools and technique. Ward level planning workshop 22 men and 14 women are participated. From the word level planning workshop or community awareness center decided to provide 44 projects/ programs in their wards. The ward level planning has chosen 9 projects on the base of need of there women. The allocated budget 340000 for these projects. Similarly, they forward 5 projects for addressing the need of children where the allocated budget, 510000 to complete the children's projects. In same way, 13 projects are forwarded to address the need of DAG.The allocated amount 510000. Simple random sampling method has been applied for household survey. However, Secondary source of data and information has also been used wherever they needed. In this study we find that, some of the weakness and strength are occur during the study period. Budget distribution pattern is most important for VDC because voice of the people and the ideas from the different group can be heart. And different people generate different ideas, which help in proper guidance of budget. Involving people in the meeting could help to know the proper need of the people of the village. Thus such involvement has helped in development of education, drinking water, roads, health, reproductive health, and this development also helps marginalized people to come in front and develop them. Participation of female are very good in this meeting which is a positive part, But taking decision making level, female participation is less than male. This pattern shows that there is a gender inequality in the budget distribution system. in this study showed the trend of the participate of women in community development level seems more repetition as a baneberries and decision making level. New women candidates were less participated .This is negative aspect of the community development. During the study period we realized that first of all for the development of village, youth is necessary and their participation and involvement of the local people is also important. Compulsory participation system of women in the programs of VDC should be encouraged. There should be unity of local people in the activities initiated by VDC. Recognition of the disable people and their right should be secured. Similarly VDC officers should be regular in the work of VDC and local people should help them. The development budget should be utilized in the proper work.en_US
dc.publisherCentral Department of Rural Development Tribhuvan University, Kathmanduen_US
dc.subjectVillage communitiesen_US
dc.subjectLocal planningen_US
dc.titleUtilization of Local Development Grant in Village Development Committeeen_US
dc.title.alternativeA Case Study of Malta VDC of Lalitpur District of Nepalen_US
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