Traditional Birth Attendants Among the Tharus in the Age of Biomedicine (A Case Study of Sorhiniya from West Central Tarai)
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Department of Anthropology
Anthropological study on TBAs and other similar culturally derived medical practices
have not earned significant interest among Nepali anthropological researchers yet.
Hence, this work is solely intended to strengthen the knowledge on indigenous
medical practices so that more such researches could be carried out easily and
efficiently in the days to come. About the content of this research, it's all about an
attempt to figure out the ways how traditional birth attendants have been sustained its
existence amidst various biomedical interferences and this also shows cultural
relationship of the sustenance of Sorhiniya system with modern development
processes along with behavioral social components stemming from current social
structure. The larger objective of the study is to find the role, status and condition of
Sorhiniya in Tharu community and to study the effect of biomedical intervention on
TBA. The research tools used during the study were life history of Sorhiniya and
trained birth attendants, in -depth interview with the clients of Sorhiniya, biomedical
institution and interviews with biomedical staff and Guruwa (Tharu Shaman). Focus
Group Discussion was another tool used in the research field. Extraction of data
which was thought to be the most complicated part in the research was ultimately an
easy task due to cordial responsiveness and willingness of the people for co-operation
in the field area. As a conclusion of the study based on the collected data, traditional
birth attendance still exists as a cultural legacy in Tharu community, but its
sustenance in coming days doesn't seem that guaranteed since it is moving through
various biomedical interferences even from the level of government. Biomedicine
being the gift of modern science owns a power of authenticity whereas traditional
birth attendance is functioning as a medical practice rooted to Tharu culture which
still dominantly exists among Tharu people due to their cultural affinity with such
practice and with economic perspective, economically lower class people tend to
manage themselves with easy practices around and is also a next reason for current
persistence of Sorhiniya system in the field area. Furthermore, sustenance of TBA in
the village can be perceived as their resistance to such biasness from government
from government. And in according with such resistance exists when the people are
trapped in power relations that put TBA under the serious threat of losing its identity.
Hence, TBA when a study as resistance becomes tools to explore the power relations
that lies there.
Tharu cultural, Child Delivery System