Anti-communist Sentiment in Philip Roth's I Married a Communist

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Central Department of English
The sole thrust of this thesis is that the ideology of capitalism utilizes plenty of harsh and subtle, meandering and manipulative strategies. To make the system operate smoothly, the hard- core disciples of late capitalism go to any kind of subtle and tactful approach. They enchant the rhetoric of common well-being, extreme individualism, guarantee of private properties, programs of welfares. But all these innovative initiatives are just the charade and tricks of trade. The sole goal is to hoodwink and putpeople at large in doldrums.Deep-seated memoriesare part of the longlegacy of postwar anti-communism which Roth explores and evokesinI Married A Communist.In the contextof commonplace attacks on the manipulative impact of ideology, this novelis freshly revisionist.Rothsets aside obligatory submissionto anti-communism in favorof supporting a social democraticegalitarianism espoused by the postwar left. He is sympathetic to radical unionism and to Ira's radical politics.Ira is critically awareof how directly repressive ideology is. Typically, the capitalist ideology is unknowingly manipulative. In its inclination to manipulate innocent people, it can put into practice even harmful and alienating program. Brain washing, subtle sense of materialistic well-being appears to be strategies adopted by the late capitalist venture and tycoons to make the system survive in any situation.Unions should be activist and strong.