Valorization of Femininity in Atwood’s Oryx and Crake

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Department of English
This research delves into the issue of the challenge to the patriarchal status quo in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake. Besides, it explores the idea of gender identity as social and cultural product. Since gender identity is all about performance learned through discourse, the person of either gender can be both feminine and masculine, irrespective of their sex. This is more prominently brought up in the novel through the characters of Oryx and Jimmy/Snowman. By presenting the division of such traits within the characters, this research shows feminine qualities in the world as important as masculine, as they are important part of human nature. Hence, the sole concern of this thesis is to launch the ground breaking theme of importance of femininity; femininity not essential being of femaleness, rather the identity can be displayed by males also. Focusing upon the inequality in society, society where femininity is considered to be weak and of no importance, this thesis appeals for a change of insight to look upon femininity, often overlooked as a problem to the society, rather is of equal importance as masculinity.  