Quest for Existence in Mani Dixit's ComeTomorrow

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Department of English
The protagonist of the novelCome Tomorrow, Bir BahadurMoktantries to establish his existencethroughvarious struggles. He joins the army, participates inthe revolution to overthrow the Rana Regime, getsmarriedwith the Burmese women, has sexual relationship with Sanu Maya, establishesGurkhas' Implex Company and sends excuse letters to his son to London. Buthis every attempt becomes vain and he ultimately chooses the way of suicide to establishhisexistence. By committing suicide, Bir Bahadur proves himself to be an existential hero. He becomesfrustrated throughout his life, suffers a lot and shoots himself. So,Come Tomorrowa novelhasan existential hero. The protagonist struggles a lot for defining his life but ultimately feels that he cannot establish his existenceto his life and kills himself. Because ofvarious strugglesfor the search of his existence,Moktancommitssuicideand in my findings hebecomes notan escapist but an existential hero.