Themes of Social Harmony in Limbus’ Tongsing Ritual

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Faculty of English
Social harmony refers to a condition in which people from different castes, classes and creeds live together in a peaceful way while keeping their identity and individuality intact. In other words, social harmony is a bowl of salad. Harmony and unity are two elements of a society. Tongsing entails these two elements, so it is called a social practice as it emphasizes these two social fundamental elements. Tongsing teaches and encourages Limbu individuals and families stand united and avoid jealousy, envy, hate, etc. to make a society a better place to live in. Tongsing is one of the most important cultural and religious ritual ceremonies of the Limbu community carried out for peace, progress, prosperity and happiness in individual life, families, and the whole community. Tongsing is a ritual practice which seeks social solidarity, reconciliation, moral and psychological purification and strengths that has been guiding Limbus’ social, ethical, and religious concepts by shaping their beliefs, and attitudes to birth, life, death, natural world and the universe in a distinct way. The ritual further contributes to the socio-cultural tradition amongst and across generations. It is a ritual of ancestral worship, a formal ceremony for acknowledging and shouldering various responsibilities which very prominently works for social harmony.