Strategies Adopted by English Teachers to Teach vocabulary Items in Grade Eight

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Department of English Education
Present thesis entitled 'Strategies Adopted by English Teachers to Teach Vocabulary Items in Grade Eight' was carried out to find out the strategiesadopted by the English teachers. Both Primary and Secondary sourcesof dataused to conduct thestudy. Whilecarrying out this researchfour teachers formfour schools, of Bardiya District were selected through Judgmental non-randomsampling procedure for the study. I used classroom observation for datacollection. Most of the teachers did not use real object, picture, action, game, and othertechniques while teaching vocabulary where as teacher's manly usedtranslation, copying, definition in teaching vocabulary. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter in an introductory partwhich includesbackgroundof the study, statement of problem, objectivesofthe study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of thestudy and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter as reviewof related literature and conceptual frame work which includes review ofrelated theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature,implicationsof the review of the study and conceptual framework. Chapter three dealsmethods and procedures of the study which includes design and methodof thestudy, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area or fields, datacollection tools and techniques, data collection procedures,anddata analysisand interpretation procedure. Chapter four deals with analysis andinterpretation of resultswhich consists of analysis and interpretation of resultsand summary of findingand finally fifth chapter deals with conclusionandrecommendations.