Role of motivation for enhancing speaking skills in ELT classrooms

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Department of English Education
The study is entitled Role of Motivation for Enhancing Speaking skills in ELT classrooms. The aims of this study were to find out the role of motivation for enhancing speaking skills in ELT classroom. I adopted mixed method research design by using both primary and secondary sources of data. The required data were collected by using class observation, semi-structured interview and a set of questionnaire. The participants of five secondary level English teachers and forty students of different schools of Lalitpur district were selected through non-random sampling method. The data collected through semi-structured interview, classroom observation and questionnaire were analyzed and interpreted thematically and descriptively. It was found that the role of motivation is really significant for enhancing students’ speaking skill. Moreover, the use of motivation in ELT classrooms has promoted students for various purposes such as to acculturate in target communities, to get good job in foreign countries, to develop their personality, to develop their understanding capacity and expanding the horizon of knowledge of other subjects. Similarly, it was found that teachers used various speaking strategies like simulation, picture elicitation, language games, project work, drill methods and presentation to motivate and develop speaking skills. Additionally, most of the learners feel difficult to express themselves. Finally, it was concluded that motivation can boost up the proficiency of students’ speaking skills. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the topic which consists of background of the study, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitation of the study and the operational definition of the key terms are included. The second chapter includes both theoretical and empirical literature, along with implications of the review for the study. It also includes conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with the methods and procedures of the study. It includes research design of the study, population, sample, sampling strategies, data collection tools, data collection procedures, data interpretations procedures and ethical considerations. The fourth chapter includes analysis and interpretation of the data. Similarly, the fifth chapter presents findings and conclusion of the study, and recommendations. Moreover, it also suggests some pedagogical implications based on policy related, practice related and further research related. This chapter is followed by references and appendices used for the study.