The Development in Using Irregular Verbs in Writing

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Department of English Education
The research entitled"The Development in Using Irregular Verbs inWriting"is an attempt to find out the performance of students of governmentaided schools in the use of English irregular verbs. In order to do so theresearcher collected data from eighth graders of Dolakha district. The samplepopulation consisted of 50 students who were purposively selected as a singlegroup for the study. Two tests of the same test-items were taken in twodifferent occasions in the forms of pre-test and post test. The pre test was takenbefore the formal teaching of the subject matter to bestudied whereas the post-test was taken just after a month of formal instruction of the same subjectmatter to find out the development in using irregular verbs in writing. Other 4weekly texts were administrated between per and post tests within a month inorder to investigate their weekly gradual development in their performanceduring class instruction. For the analysis and interpretation of the data, theanswer-sheets were checked and scored. The scores obtained by the students inboth tests were compared and tabulated and interpreted employing quantitativeand descriptive methods. The research findings in total showed that theperformance of the students in using irregular verbs in writing was foundsatisfactory. In this research work, the students weremore proficient in the posttest than in the pre-test. They developed their proficiency quite obviously inpost test rather than in per-test in the sense that their post test was greater thanpost test score after they were taught for a month. This research work\study consisted of four chapters. Chapter one deals withthe introduction. It consists of the general background of the study,introduction and importance of the English language, introduction to thegrammar, word class, introduction to the verbs, learning stages, challenges inlearning skills, use of irregular verbs in writing, techniques of teaching writingskill and grammar, review of the literature, objectives of the study, andsignificance of the study. Chapter two describes the methodologyapplied inorder to carry out this research study. It includes sources of data collection,tools of data collection, sample population, sampling procedure process of datacollection and limitation of the study. Chapter three consists of the analysis andinterpretation of the data. The data were analyzed and interpreted using thestatistical tools like percentages, average, tables and descriptive method.Chapter four deals with findings and recommendations of the study. Based onthe analysis and interpretation some significant findings are listed. Somerecommendations for pedagogical implications and further researches are madeon the basis of findings. References and appendices follow this chapter.