Strategies Used by Mathematics Teacher to Promote Social Justice in Mathematics Classroom

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Department of Mathematics Education
The major focus of this study wasthestrategies used by mathematics teacher to promote the social justice in mathematics classroom.The main objectives of this research were to explore the strategies used by mathematics teacher to promote the social justice in mathematics classroom and to explore the challenges of the teachers in maintaining social justice in mathematics classroom.The research design ofthis study is qualitative with case study approach.The participants of this study weretwo mathematics teachers, four students from grade eight and three students from gradeninefor interview and fivestudents for focus group discussion from secondary level. Purposive samplingstrategywas usedto select the participants for my study. Classroom observation, focus group discussion and interview guidelines were the main tools of thestudy. The data were analyzed and interpreted by coding, theming and triangulation from collected data. From the analysis of the data it was found that the strategies used by mathematics teachersto promote the social justice in mathematics classroom were: providing equal opportunity, individual treatment and providing extra time, loving and motivating students, using teaching materials and making classroom inclusive. Likewise the main challenges faced by mathematics teachersin maintaining social justice in mathematics classroom were: different mental abilitiesstudents, the limitation or boundary of time, different family background of students, lack of interaction, unable to link mathematics with practical problems, unable to teach according to students mother tongue or lack of multilingual teachersand unable to choose appropriate teaching methods.