Effectiveness of task-Based Approach in Teaching Creative Writing

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Central Departmental of English Education
The present thesis entitled“Effectiveness of Task-based Approach in TeachingCreative Writing”aimedat finding out the effectiveness oftask-based approachonthe performance of secondary level students in learning thewriting skillin Nepalincomparisonto the teacher-fronted teaching techniques. The researcher conductedapracticalstudy to determine the effectiveness. The test items were developed for thecollection of data. The researcher collected data from the sampled population ofthirtystudents of gradetenof agovernmentschool inNawalparasi.A pre-test was givenusing the test items in the beginning. Then,twoprogressive tests were conducted inthe interval ofsixclass periods each.The students were taught for twenty-one periodsaltogether. After the experimental instruction, a post-test was administered with thesame set of test items as inthepre-test. The average score of all the test items werecalculated.The results of the tests were compared to find out the effectiveness oftask-based approachon their achievement ofcreative writingproficiency. It was found thattask-based approachwas more effective than usual classroom teaching methods inteachingcreative writing. This thesis consists of four chapters.Chapter oneis anintroductory partwhichincludes general background, objectives of the study, review of the relatedliteratureandsignificance of the study.Chapter twoincludes the methodology adopted tocomplete the research. It particularly contains sources of data, sampling procedures,tools and process of data collection and limitations of the study.Chapter threeconsistsof the analysis and interpretation of the data.Chapter fourconsists of the findings andrecommendations of the study based on the analysis and interpretation of the data.Thischapter is followed by the references and appendices.