Prevalence of Intestinal Parasite With Respect To Socio-Economic Aspect in Dom Community Of Janakpur Municipality, Dhanusha

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Central Department of Zoology Institute of science and Technology Tribhuvan University Kirtipur, Kathmandu Nepal
The Dom is considered the lowest untouchable caste groups of the Terai. They are not allowed to fetch water either from the private or public tube-wells. They have separate tube-wells for their own use or go to the nearby stream/pond to fetch water. Making a variety of baskets from the bamboo is their traditional caste occupation. In addition, grave-digging and cremating dead bodies are also considered their traditional occupation. These are their main source of earning a livelihood (Sah 2005). The present study was carried out to analyze the prevalence rate of gastrointestinal parasite infection among people of Dom community. A group of 210 people were enrolled in the study out of which 80 were females and 130 were males. Stool smear examination was performed on each individual to identify the parasites. The overall frequency of intestinal parasites observed in the study were 33% protozoa and 4% helminths respectively. The observed protozoan parasites include E. histolytica and G. lamblia, which is present in both the sexes. Similarly the helminth parasites observed were Hookworm and A. lumbricoides. But A. lumbricoides is present only in female, not in male. The overall prevalence indicated that males were more infected with parasite infection than female. The age wise prevalence indicated maximum parasitic infection in 5-20 years of age group. The conclusion from KAP survey indicated that poor sanitary condition, lack of knowledge of parasitic diseases and its transmission, poor economic status and compulsions of the culture enhanced the percentage of parasitic infection in the Dom community of Janakpur.