Biocentric View in David Robertson’s George Mallory: Bibliotheca Himalayica

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Department of English
The present research paper is an interactive study of David Robertson's biographical text George Mallory: Bibliotheca Himalayica from the perspective of biocentrism in which the mountaineer George Mallory has presented his biocentric attitudes towards the nature. Mount Everest, as a part of nature, is a neutral symbol of nature.The biography of George Mallory celebrates the biocentrism by describing the positive images of alluring beauty of Mount Everest and neglecting the anthropocentric attitude., where Mallory who is devotee of the nature, not an enemy. With his spontaneous overflow of feelings towards nature, wherever he wanders in the mountain areas,he never expresses his bitter expression about the surroundings rather he uses the positive images of beauty of nature. Mallory was a nature prayer who as similates his life in the lap of beautiful nature but unfortunately,he got lost in the Mount Everest. However, Mount Everest is not to be blamed; the nature is benevolent;,it liberates the human heart from any biasness. Key Words: anthropocentrism, biocentrism, nature, Everest