Role of Women in Household Decision Making (A Comparative Study of Working and Non-Working Women of Kirtipur Municipality)

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Department of Rural Development
The phrase “overworked and underpaid” is an apt description of women throughout the world. Women usually have lesser access to resources and benefits due to various socio cultural constraints. This stands out more glaringly in the developing countries where there is a clear demarcation of their roles and responsibilities and subsequently more prominent male domination. In most of the Asian countries women are merely respected in their role of mother and housekeeper. Women suffer from discriminatory practices in opportunities for education, health and so on. Hence this study is an attempt to study the power and participation level of women in Household decision making. The specific objective of this study are to explore the socio- economic status of women in the study area along with the comparison of the participation level of working women (those women who are economically active, have a continual source of income and who provide economic contribution to their family) and non-working women( House-wives) in household decision making and also to find out the factors that affect their decision making in household affairs. Exploratory and descriptive research design is used in this study. Similarly sampling method used is purposive sampling. For this study well structured and semi-structured questionnaire, observation and interviews were used as the techniques to obtain required information in order to fulfill the objectives. The study has a sample size of 50 women (25 working and 25 non-working) and their respective households within the periphery of Kirtipur Municipality. It is evident from the study that most of the working women are more qualified in terms of education than non- working women. 76 percentages of working women are in the service sector and government job holders. Out of the total households 60 percentages of male has the ownership of property. However working women’s ratio of property ownership is found to be more than non- working women. Regarding small household purchase, 52 percentages of the working women and 80 percentages of the non-working women are found to be the final decision makers. The male household head in working women’s households is found to be participating more in household activities than non-working women. The study also covered the factors that affect the decision-making level of women in their households. Majority of women reported that education is the most affecting factor that influences their decision making power. Educated women have more power and confidence in deciding serious matters in their households. Similarly it is found that the economic status of women also has a positive role in their decision making. Social norms are also such factors. However it is found that non-working women are more pressurized by social norms and tradition than working women Overall, we can say that women are still suffering from discriminatory practices in the society. They have a low status than men in their household. This study thus provided some practical recommendations consideration of which would lead to the empowerment of women and increase their participation Level and power in household decision making as well as their status in the whole society and nation