Search for Authentic Female Space in C. B. Divakaruni's Sister of My Heart

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Department of English
Divakaruni illustrates the female space in her novel Sister of My Heart by challenging the patriarchal code and conduct as well as the literary tradition which locate men at centre and female a margin. The absence of male characters is the main focus of this research. Although the protagonists, Sudha and Anju, reject the patriarchal support, their socio-economic background is strong. Moreover, the writer shows that female-female relationship is necessary to challenge the patriarchal ideology. Their social and economic position allows them to transcend the restrictive demands of traditional gender notion that might eventually restrict them to fulfill the roles of wife and mother. As a result, they are privileged to be able to concentrate on their career. Divakaruni, therefore, insists on the significance of the authentic female voice for all female not only to resist the effects of patriarchal norms and values but also to create a culture in which female have equal economic, social and political rights with men.